Our Team

image of editor, Kelsay Myers

Kelsay Myers

Meet Kelsay Myers, our editor, a peer reviewer, a light energy source, and much much more.

Kelsay is a Coach and Registered Somatic Movement Educator (RSME) with the International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association. She is a force for compassionate change, helping creative individuals who want freedom from inner blocks holding them back embody resources to transform their life with soul-based expressive arts programs and courses through her business, Dialogical Persona Healing Arts. Having earned dual MFA degrees in Nonfiction and Poetry from Saint Mary’s College of California, she is now a Ph.D student in Transformative Inquiry at California Institute of Integral Studies where she’s using the arts-based research method of A/R/Tography for trauma healing and restoring connection to embodied wisdom for a fuller sense of self and creative expression. She brings several years of training with Tamalpa Institute in the Life/Art Process® and The Academy for Soul-based Coaching, psychospiritual and narrative psychology research, and integrative somatic trauma therapy modalities to all of her work. Kelsay is also an Executive Contributing Writer to BRAINZ Magazine in their personal development section.

You can find out more information about Kelsay's projects at www.dialogicalpersona.com/links and connect with her on www.dialogicalpersona.com


Amy M Anderson

Meet Amy M Anderson, our publisher and founder.

Amy is an artist, instructor, and dissertation writing coach focused on equitable pedagogy. She excels in concept recognition and development. Amy received her Ph.D. In Transformative Studies from the California Institute of Integral Studies where she investigated theories for decolonizing academia and conducted a study on the student experience of critique in an M.F.A. program. Her M.F.A. Inquiry explored Albert Camus' philosophical notion of the absurd, as it applies to individual roles in contemporary society. Amy also has a Master of Arts in Liberal Studies where she explored her own artistic process as it relates to the interconnection of all things through reflection and a reflexive practice of being.

In our social positions, phantom communities, social constructs, expectations, and indoctrinations put us on the stage to play a perceived intended role. In the lifelong universal pursuit of meaning and happiness we find ourselves together on a stage in which we must ask ourselves if we can find truth in the role in which we are playing. By observing and investigating common social scenarios, my artworks induce conversations about social conditions drawing attention to the need for change or at least acknowledgment of the effects of such conditions on and within the individual.

Amy’s work measures relationships between ideas and environs. The role of the individual object is always put into question through the creative juxtaposition of materials in which objects combine to create new functions. The use of readymade objects combined with conventional materials in unconventional ways create an environment that promotes conversation. Recognizable objects create a familiarity concept with the viewer that entices them to further inspect the work. Through the use of everyday objects and easily recognizable materials, viewers are invited to consider each work, its components, and the meaning given to the piece by the intentional combination of these objects and their new functions. By shedding light on the absurdity of imposed social roles, viewers are prompted to ask themselves whether the role they play in life is merely a façade – an act – or if there is some truth in who they are and the potential of who they can become.

Amy's work prompts reflection about socially constructed culture, expectations, and indoctrinations and the effects of such conditions on the individual. Selected residencies and exhibitions: Serlachius Residency, Finland; Línea de Costa, Spain; Chautauqua Art Institute, NY, USA; {Re}Happening, Black Mountain College, NC, USA. You can see more at: www.amymanderson.com

Peer Reviewer Bios coming soon